Dr. Teresa R. Pohlman

Dr. Teresa R. Pohlman
Dr. Teresa R. Pohlman 2002 E&EM graduate Dr. Teresa R. Pohlman, LEED AP, recently assumed the position of Director, Occupational Safety & Environmental Programs, in the Office of the Chief Administrative Officer at the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. Teresa previously served as Chief of the Environmental Division, U.S. Air Force, where she managed the Air Force's $1 billion environmental program, including cleanup, compliance, conservation, and pollution prevention, for all bases in the United States and overseas, including international bilateral agreements with Russia, Norway, Argentina, and Italy. She also served as the Tenant Activities Group Leader at the Pentagon Renovation Office, where she spearheaded the efforts for LEED certification of three Pentagon Renovation projects and won the Presidential Award for Leadership in Federal Energy Management, one of five awarded in the federal government.