Moses Adoko

Moses Adoko
Moses Adoko currently works at the Goddard Space Flight Center ofthe National Aeronautical and Space Administration. He is involved with providing development services to engineering, systems engineering and scientific communities. Moses is responsible for systems engineering talent cultivation in support of GSFC aerospace activities and programs. Previously, he supported the Earth Sciences Program as the NASA essay Project Manager with the ASRC Corporation as well as a NASA workshop on Biodiversity and Ecological Forecasting. Moses received his Bachelor of Science degree in Zoology from the University of Eastern Africa in 1994. In addition, he holds a Master of Science degree in Instructional Technology, which he received in 1996. Moses received his Master of Science degree in Environmental and Energy Management from GW in 2011.Arthur Angelier currently works for Ernst & Young in Paris, France as a consultant. He received his undergraduate education in business in France. Arthur participated in a two semester exchange program with his home business school in France, returning home to France in 2014.