Degree Programs
Our program provides advanced education across the full spectrum of subjects central to the practice of environmental and energy management. These include protection of air quality, water quality management, hazardous and solid waste management, environmental auditing, environmental impact assessment, benefit-cost analysis, risk assessment and management, energy auditing, environmental and energy policy analysis, geographic information systems, and other related subjects. The program embodies not only the engineering and scientific technologies underlying the profession, but also the statutory and regulatory framework in which they are embedded, social and policy considerations that are critically important in modern society, and management tools needed to get the job done.
Graduate students in our program interact with faculty and students in six other GW environmental programs located in other departments and schools of The George Washington University.
Students interested in this area of study may pursue a Master of Science Degree, Professional Degree or Doctor of Philosophy Degree. All graduate degree programs are structured to allow either full-time or part-time study. The program of study is designed by the students in consultation with their advisor.