News of EEM Students, Alumni and Faculty

February 22, 2025

Mu Hu
Mu Hu

EEM alumnus Mu Hu recently accepted a position as a Data Scientist at the Albemarle Corporation, based in Charlotte, NC.  ALB is a lithium mining public company in the U.S. that sells lithium ores and salts to battery manufacturers or automobile OEMs; lithium being an extremely important material for electric vehicle batteries.

EEMI Deputy Director Professor Joe Cascio made a keynote presentation at the National Defense University at Fort McNair in Washington, D.C. on January 23, 2025. Gregory Foster, Director of the NDU educational program, wrote “Sincere thanks for your superb presentation and fielding of questions … you contributed immeasurably to our learning aims and, as should have been obvious to you, engaged and energized our students in characteristically impressive fashion.”

Dr. Rachael Jonassen, EEMI Director of Climate Change, recently was  appointed to two new panels at the National Academy of Engineering, both under the auspices of the National Cooperative Highway Research Program. One is the panel on “Best Practices for Distributed Rainfall-Runoff Models to Transform Hydrologic and Hydraulic Modeling for Resilient Transportation Planning and Design” and other is the panel on “Advancing Methods to Evaluate Greenhouse Gas Emissions During Transportation Decision-Making and Performance Management.”

Alex Beehler
Alex Beehler

The Honorable Alex Beehler, EEMI Director of Innovative Energy Strategies, served as a wrap-up speaker at the October 4-5, 2024, symposium and simulation of the National Security Studies Program in GW’s Elliott Scholl of International Affairs.

EEMI alumnus Dr. Amrita Mukherjee recently established a memorial fund to honor the late Dr. Lile Murphree, former long-term Chairman of the GW Engineering Management and Systems Engineering Department. Dr. Mukherjee now is a physician with a family medicine practice in Montgomery Village, Maryland and has been practicing medicine for over 17 years.


Dr. Mukherjee
Zoom conversation of Dr. Mukherjee and EEMI Director Deason


prof. scott sklar
Professor Scott Sklar

In late Fall 2024, Professor Scott Sklar, EEMI Director of Sustainable Energy, was featured in the Yale University publication “Cllimate Solutions.” The article quoted Scott as saying “Now that we’re in a climate change revved world, where we’re seeing more outages for longer durations … that energy resiliency is going to be a must.”


In the Fall 2024 semester, EEMI Director of Professional Education Dr. Edward Saltzberg moderated a web-based seminar focused on helping corporations improve environmental performance and resilience entitled “From Theory to Action - Implementing Smart Climate Moves in Your Organization.”

dr. ed saltzberg
Dr. Edward Saltzberg

Professor Rachael Jonassen recently was appointed a project for the Asian Development Bank entitled “Thematic Expert/Advisor on Carbon Markets, UZB Voluntary Carbon,” a project that took her to Uzbekistan this past Fall semester. Prof. Jonassen also was appointed as a Fulbright Specialist by the U.S. Department of State and is working with Indonesia for the state Department in that program.